Jumat, 14 Desember 2012
Upgrading 2012
Rabu, 12 Desember 2012
Senin, 19 November 2012
Jumat, 09 November 2012
Selasa, 16 Oktober 2012
Report EUDC 2012
Senin, 09 Juli 2012
review #CSC
Rabu, 04 Juli 2012
International Talkshow: Care for Street Children
Entrance fee and donation: min IDR 3.000
Fyi, your money will be donated to the needy out there. Remember that the slightest help from you mean so much for them. Show that you care about. :)
Senin, 25 Juni 2012
The winner of "English Poetry Competition" presented by Academic dept. EDSA 2012
Brown as cinnamon
Sweet even more
Poured on
Every cup of bore
We go downtown
Leaving opened door
Turning on
The moon off shore
Should we have a toast
Upon the coast
Having more cup to go
Do we not missed the show
This bitter-sweet to sip
May not we fall asleep
Could we take another set?
Morning sun coming yet
Tonight is going groovy
Cause we are
We are coffee
Minggu, 27 Mei 2012
Cross Cultural Understanding "Bangga Satu Bangsa Beragam Budaya"
Sabtu, 12 Mei 2012
Selasa, 01 Mei 2012
EDSA&IIWC: Making a Change through Volunteerism
Minggu, 22 April 2012
First Big Meeting EDSA 2012
Minggu, 15 April 2012
EDSA's TEAM 2012
1. Secretary: Sabrina Widyaningsih
2. Treasures:
a. Aisha Mentari
b. Aisya Rizka Naratri
3. Staffs of Department of Economy and Business:
a. Mohammad Yusron Thowaf
b. Annisa Qurrota A’Yun
c. Rigadhi Pinakari
d. Winda Astuti
e. Novindia Nurratnasari
f. Kevin Bramantyo Ramadhan
g. Devy Nurhayati
h. Fadli Ikram
i. Bayu Yohan N
j. Yosef Bhakti K
k. Binta Kamila
l. Vito Adi Nugroho
4. Staffs of Department of Academic:
a. Nur Ainina Razan
b. Hestiana Larasati
c. Miftah Faris Dimyati
d. Inneke Putri Puspasari
e. Juliasti Kinasih Lisa Mutia Sari
f. Zeanita Tiffany Spallanzani
g. Tejo Bayu Aji
h. Zahro Laila Nur
i. Yuniar Dea Safitri
j. Namaskhara Gilang Ramadhan
k. Muhammad Naufal Farezqi
l. Nadia Faradhillah
m. Hariyo Jati
5. Staffs of Department of Students:
a. Nararyani pramuditha
b. Wuri Pangestuti
c. Grenanda Elvasanti Martono
d. Gloria Firmanti
e. Mj. Rizqon Hasani
f. Nofi Setya Wardani
g. M. Afrizal Prasetyo
h. Hari Setyowati
i. Wika Dewi
6. Staffs of Department of Community Service:
a. Atika Nur Hidayah
b. Tika Nuraida Hediyati
c. Annisa Mursalina
d. Jordy Dio Ananda
e. Destiara Argadita
f. Verawati Triastuti
g. Evangelia Ginanti
h. Bernand Mardianus Tampubolon
i. Novieta R. Sinaga
j. Citra Pertiwi Rahayuningsih
k. Yusuf Wildan
l. Natanael Dewangga Putra
m. Gita Mahartini
n. Suci Rahayu
o. Siti Nurdjanah
7. Staffs of Department of Communication and Information:
a. Putra Rusdi Kurniawan
b. Rifka Indhirani
c. Indra Pujianto
d. Fitra Amalia Shinta Siwi
e. Destari Puspa Pertiwi
f. Fitriyadi Sulistyono
g. Safira Anindya Puteri
h. Yoga Raditya
i. Erie Putri Rachmadany
j. Heppy Rizka F.
k. Bayu Satrya Yudha
l. Sudarsono
m. Dana Paramita
8. Staffs of Department of Talent and Interest:
a. Bogi Hanni Permana
b. Ade Rahmanto
c. Rendy Azwari
d. Agni Sukma Prapanca
e. Titis Soegiyono
f. Athalia Damaria A
g. Andri Novrianto Dewa Saputra
h. Dani Nugroho
i. Bimoseno Budi Wibowo
j. Karunia
k. Nenden Lovenia Bunda
l. Fajri Khaimara Utama
m. Dimas Rizal Adrianto